The mission statement of St Edward's College endorses the philosophy of holistic education as the core part of all its activities.
Our pupils are educated for life. By the end of their educational programme, they are well equipped with the necessary skills required to make them successful in their future career or profession.
This policy will be updated regularly and parents will be duly informed.
This policy has three main objectives:
(a) To enhance co-operation between teachers, pupils and their parents to support all students in their effort to identify their most suitable career or profession.
(b) To ensure that all pupils acquire those skills and knowledge required for their chosen career or profession.
(c) To adapt the curriculum according to modern demands in the various careers and professions which are available in Malta and abroad.
The Headmaster, the Heads of Section and Curriculum Coordinators are expected to develop strong links between the curriculum and the world in which College pupils will fulfil themselves in the career or profession of their own choice.
Special attention is given to the gradual formation of the pupil's academic, character and moral formation as follows:
(a) The fulfilment of the student's academic potential, with special focus on subject options which will greatly determine the student's progress towards the attainment of his/her future goals.
(b) Training in curricular and non-curricular activities to enable the student develop and acquire strong communication skills
(c) The ongoing development of creative thinking through subjects based tasks in class and discussions at House, Class and Year Group level.
(d) The great emphasis on leadership skills to prepare pupils to assume posts of responsibility.
(e) The formation of all pupils in social interaction skills to promote listening skills, the values of tolerance and flexibility, and to teach them how to manage difficult situations.
Thank You
I appreciate you taking the time to visit our website; your choice of school is an important one for you, your children and for us.
If you have any questions or need clarification as you browse through our website I'd be more than happy to speak with you.

Mr Nollaig Mac an Bhaird