Over the summer months, the college may seem quite somnolent. This is far from being the truth. The college administration uses these months when students are either away or are at college only for a very short period such as summer camps, to upgrade the historic fabric and the facilities of the college. Obviously, this has to be planned and executed to a budget and a timetable, given that the campus is large and costly to maintain.
This year we addressed the Audio Visual Room in the IB corridor and the Junior School ICT lab. Following the glowing reviews we had from students and parents last year on the Senior School ICT Lab, we were more than happy to start work on the ICT lab for the Junior School students. This is an area that will increase in importance in the years to come so it is better to be prepared. Similarly, the Audio-visual room was crying out for a good facelift. This was given and it is now all but unrecognizable!
The sports courts too got their share of glam with a total refurbishment making them benchmarks for sports standards.
Finally, a word of thank you to the indefatigable maintenance team whose sterling work and commitment ensure that the finished product is one of quality delivered on time.