Headmasters Message 19

Good Afternoon

Parent consultations

Parent consultations will take place on Monday, March 8th. These will be on-line as were the consultations in November. You should all by now have received an invitation from your son’s teacher. If not please contact the teacher via the teacher’s St Edward’s email address.

Again, please adhere to the times given. Students will not attend college on this day.

World Book Day.

Yesterday, Junior School and Early Years, students and teachers, basked in the sunshine in the wonderful surroundings of college as we celebrated World Book Day. Please have a look at the St Edward’s Facebook page for photos and a dramatic short video of a teacher (drama teacher naturally) not just reading the story but enacting the story!


This morning we had our unannounced visit from the Quality Assurance Department to review and see at first hand our implementation of the COVID-19 protocols.

Apart from looking at markings and signage they also met with teachers and students, at the stipulated safe distance.

We had a short debriefing with SMT, Ms. Domenici and the visitors. They will shortly issue a report on their observations which I will share with you.

Suffice to say that their parting comment was a resounding ‘Well Done’!

Student Council Democracy Award

Yesterday in a streamed interview on how a student council gives an opportunity to the students to be of service for their peers we had, Jamie Scerri Richard and Nathan Butigieg Gili from St Edwards College Student Council share their great experiences while outlining some of the skills they developed. The interview was held in Maltese.

We can be proud of both boys in how they managed the event with respect and confidence.

All under the tutelage of Ms. Abela. Proset!

Thank you all staff!

Between teachers falling ill after receiving the vaccine and teachers in quarantine we have an exceptionally long replacement list. Some people have little or no reaction, others do. Some have soldiered on, others, despite not feeling 100% have come in to teach.

It is the professional, caring dedication of our staff that make St Edward’s exceptional.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

N. Mac an Bhaird. Headmaster.