Headmasters Message 22

Good Afternoon All,

We made it! Sometimes I feel like we are a small twin engine plane island hopping and dusk is heading in. We know the distance, fuel gauge looks ok, still we know that there is a storm coming … But we keep our eyes on the horizon, we will make it.

We all feel the same, students, staff and parents. Some of us deal with it better than others. But we need to celebrate our successes.

This pandemic is ‘doing our heads in’. It is here, success will depend on our individual and collective reactions.

So let us all acknowledge that, and I really hate to use the phrase, ‘It is what it is … ‘. we can let it dominate us or we can recognise that we, individually and collectively, by our behaviours and choices, can come out the other end successful. We, you, can decide if you want to spend your time obsessed with it or, again a phrase I am loath to use, ‘Get on with it’.

Please do not think I am not understanding. We all deal with differently.


Shortly you will be receiving information on the model and procedures we will follow. We have an SDP, the new model will shift our focus on to ‘learning’.

All stakeholders will have the opportunity to contribute. There will be much discussion, disagreement, noses out of joint but never forget the goal – to make St Edward’s, Simply the best’. More on this later.


Happy Easter All. We miss the boys, we miss the interaction, the chaos, the energy.


N. Mac an Bhaird. Headmaster.