HM's Weekly Message
Friday 14 February 2020
Dear Parents and Community members,
Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all!
Apart from the chocolates, the roses and the bundles of sparling carbon atoms forged millions of years ago in the earth’s crust, Valentine’s Day highlights and reminds us, that we should not forget the ones we love, the special ones we care for. That love might be for family, a prayer for a friend, someone in a bad place. But to know that there is someone caring and loving can often be the tonic we need.
The lyrics of this song encapsulate, at least for me, a lot of what St Valentine’s Day is about. (Van Morrison)
Mid-Year Examinations
We are just about half way there! Examinations are, if approached with the correct attitude, useful. They let teachers know, on an individual basis, where each student is. They also let students know where they stand in terms of the mastery and understanding of the material covered. If a teacher spots a poor trend she/he can review the material with the whole class. Individual students can do the same, ‘I scored poor in this part of the examination, I need to approach the teacher and see how I can improve’.
Our teachers know your children well. A student who does poorly can work with the teacher and use the paper to analyse where they can improve. The underlying factors for the poor performance are discussed and the student will be helped to identify ways in which improvement can occur.
At the end of the day all we can ask of our children/students, (indeed anyone) is; ‘Do your best!’
And the only person who knows whether they have done their best is that individual.
A separate aspect of such an exam period is management of a pressure situation, ‘stress’. This is an area that much has been written about, most everyone has an opinion, often a very strong emotionally charged opinion on it, and in my experience, it is an area where, ‘One hat fits all’, certainly does not apply.
As teachers and parents we need to keep a steady hand and remember to support our boys and keep reminding them; ‘Just do your best’.
A very heartening and welcome aspect of these past weeks in the number of admission enquiries we are receiving. Both from prospective students and indeed teachers. Whatever you are saying about SEC is certainly helping promote us and getting the message out that we are moving from ‘Good to Great’.
SEPTA picnic
The SEPTA EGM will be held at College on March 4th in the AV room (main block) at 08.45. All welcome. On March 8th SEPTA will hold a picnic for all families and friends at college. Entertainment is being lined up for children and adults where we can enjoy one of the best venues in Malta – St Edward’s College.
N. Mac an Bhaird (HM)