How are our students coping
with the current situation?
Friday 27 March 2020
Below are a some reflections from a few of our students from the Junior School section. These give us some insight and perspective of how our students are dealing with the current situation and how it is effecting them on an emotional, social and educational level.
Fourteen days quarantine
In Malta my parents told me that school was closed. At first I was jumping with joy but then my mom said I wasn’t going to see my friends and I will have loads of work .I hate corona and this is all because of it .If it was a person and its weakness was being clean Id wash my hands with a million times the soap and punch him straight to the face .So far it’s been super boring. Every day we have chores, for example gardening and cleaning my bedroom and my bathroom. We have to catch up on work which is coming in all the time. The worst part is that I haven’t seen my friends in ages and even when I get to leave the house there will be no chance to see them because everyone is afraid to get this corona. I’m not afraid of it but my mother will not let me.
I cannot see my sister either as she was very unwell and living with my grandparents and I am missing her a lot.
The best part is of the day were we can watch tv, go i-pad, do some sports and classes of exercises.
Anonymous student
Coronavirus and Covid19 are the words I hear most every day. My parents talk about it, when I phone my grandparents they speak about it, on the TV, on social media…..
Whilst everyone is complaining I seem to like this way of life. I’m waking up a bit later, sleeping a bit later, I am spending more time with my parents and brother, who I barely used to meet. We are spending time together doing crafts, baking, cooking, doing house chores and playing games – things which we never used to have time to do. There is no rush and no more mummy rushing me in everything I do. I enjoy staying at home. I play my favourite sport all the time with my brother. Life seems to be more peaceful. However yes, I do miss my friends. I think the worst thing about this virus is that we had to cancel my birthday party but still my teacher and my school friends sang happy birthday to me on Zoom. How cool is that 😊. I do miss shopping and the fact that I can’t go to visit my grandparents but we are still keeping in touch by phoning them every day.
I love homeschooling even though my mother thinks otherwise. Having lessons on Zoom is exciting even though until I log in and the lesson starts there is a lot of tension in the house😊 At the beginning either my microphone was not working or I couldn’t log in. Now things seemed to have settled down. We do need to work a lot though, and this is something which I do not like. Working a lot at home is not fun. I like that I can wake up a bit later and stay in my comfortable clothes all day. I do miss those teachers who are not on Zoom.
I’m not sure I want to go back to normal waking up early and all the stress that comes with it! But I’m also sure that my parents disagree😊
Zac Bianco - Year 5Y
I hate the situation we are in because I cannot leave the house and go out. I do not see my friends and the only way I can see them is over the phone on a video chat. The only people I can play with are the people that are in the same house as me and that gets boring after a while, plus I cannot go to see my grandparents (who I love a lot ❤️).
Now let’s talk about being home schooled. Personally, I don’t think it’s so bad because after I finish one subject I can quickly go to the next and I can stay up late and watch a movie because I can wake up whenever I want ( even though most of the time I wake up at 7’o clock).
Daniel Custo`- Year 6Y
Life During the COVID-19 Outbreak
School stopped a while ago because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Luckily my teacher Mrs Vosloo and lots of other teachers are sending homework for the students to do. It is great that they are doing this because it lets us continue to learn and have something to do while in self isolation. It is hard having to stay at home and not being allowed outside but at least I can text some of my friends. My dad showed me a video of Valletta taken by a drone, the city streets were empty. This is actually a good thing because it means everyone is taking this seriously. My teacher is currently pregnant with a girl, I hope COVID-19 does not last till her due date. If it does, I hope the baby will be safe and healthy.
Stay Safe Mrs Vosloo,
Connor Anthony Rounce - Year 6X
My quarantine days.......
I woke up one Thursday morning to find that it was already 9am and I was late for school. I asked my mom why she didn't wake me up and she said I wasn't going to school because of the corona virus out break. I have heard about the outbreak but school was still open so I was a bit confused. I felt sad I didn't go to school because I would miss my friends but at least I could wake up late. The next day, it was announced schools will close. I can sleep in a bit longer and spend more hours than usual on my electronics but I miss my friends – at least I speak to them on our devices and during some games. Another bad thing is that it is boring sometimes because I cannot go outside but I still manage to do some fun stuff. Now I also have gotten homework from school. When I am doing the homework I realise that doing work in school is way easier than home. The coronavirus in Malta is getting worse and I don't know how long I will stay home. Overall there is some pros and cons so its OK.
Jayden Kullmann - Year 6X
Who would have thought less than three months ago, when we were celebrating the New-Year, that all this would happen?
It seems like I have been on quarantine all my life as after the Carnival holidays I had to spend 2 weeks at home since I was skiing in the North of Italy. I am not really comfortable home-schooling as l would prefer learning from my teachers rather than my parents trying to explain school subjects to me. I miss my friends a real lot, however, l try to video chat with some of them. I wonder how before l didn’t feel like waking up for school and now l wish my alarm would ring in the morning. Maybe it’s because now l feel like doing something out of home? Talking of home, I’m really bored spending all my days within the same walls. On a positive note I now have the time to build my Nanoblocks and I am learning how to cook some simple recipes.
Well, I hope one day very soon everything will pass and we’ll go back to our normal life maybe taking more care of our environment since if anything good is coming out of this situation it is the reduction of pollution!
Adam Caruana - Year 6X
At first I didn't really understand COVID19 and thought it was only happening in other countries I did not think it would come to Malta or that it could happen to anyone I know. When school first closed I felt annoyed and angry I wanted to carry on with my lessons and being with my friends. I hoped we would go back to school quickly but now I don't know when this will happen. I worry about not being able to exercise because we cannot go outside much and now I am afraid we might not be able to swim and fish in the summer and I look forward to this all year.
I feel extremely sad now because my nana and my pampa have to stay inside from the weekend and we spend a lot of time with them. I don't see their neighbour Elenor as much anymore and we used to walk her dog Ben together and I miss that too. I really miss seeing my friend Edward at school and being in the Eco garden. I miss the school day and break times.
I still see my teacher sometimes on Zoom but sometimes she cannot hear me because of our computer. I feel sad that I cannot work towards my rewards in class and have hugs with my teacher. I wanted to try to get pupil of the month again and in my exams I wanted to do really well so I might have a chance to earn a certificate at prize day and show people how hard I have worked this year. I also wanted to have parents day so my dad and my mum could come and see my teacher and my work.
My little brother Noah does not understand and he thinks he is on holiday. I wish I was like him and did not understand too because then I would not be afraid.
Solomon Seaberg - Year 5Y
Currently the world is going through a very difficult time. A new virus has hit almost 198 countries. China, Italy, Spain, USA and France are at its peak at the moment. Every day between 12:00-15:00 I watch the conference on TV with updates about the situation in Malta, today we had 5 Covid-19 cases and yesterday 19 cases. If we all listen to the health officials we will get through this tough moment.
I miss playing football during break time at St. Edward College, I was shocked I didn’t had a chance to say a proper goodbye to my teacher Mrs. Seaberg, Mrs. Mallia, my class mates, LSE’S and to my Headmaster. When I was at my last day, I thought it would only be for a week but it ended up to possibly be till summer.
I think we as human species need to stop controlling the animals and the environment, seriously this world needs to change or else something even worse may happen. Now during this moment we have to accept it and fight through it and maybe the world will once learn that God gave us the earth to take care of it and of one another.
Sven Azzopardi - Year 6Y
The coronavirus created a lot of problems for us. We had to stop school, how sad. At least our teacher Ms Camilleri organised online lessons for us. I really enjoy these lessons because I can still meet my friends, and teacher. I also learn a lot from these. Unfortunately, because of the virus I cannot play with my friends on the pitches and do the PE lesson with Mr Igor. I cannot practice Triathlon, my favourite hobby. This is very sad for me. At least I get to spend a lot of time with my family and we are having a lot of fun at home.
Ms Camilleri gives us work as well, that is helping me to learn more, and mummy is happy as well that I get to learn. I am lucky because now I got to learn how to use mummy’s laptop with these lessons.
I am very worried about the virus, I don’t want it to come near us, and this is why we are staying at home all the time. I hope the virus passes soon, so that I can come back to school and see all of you again and get to play on the pitches and on the lawn with my friends again. I miss everybody!
John Paul Felice - Year 4X
During this time of the corona virus I have been worried mainly because I am considered vulnerable as I was born with half a heart, so it would be harder for me to breathe if I get it. I am staying at home most of the time with my family. I am also worried about my grand parents as they are in their 70’s.
I miss school a lot and prefer it to homeschooling mostly because I cannot meet friends or teachers. Thankfully, I managed to get in touch with my teacher .I was so happy to see her on video call. I also manage to keep in touch with my friends on Play Station and Zoom, but it is not the same.
I cannot even enjoy my favourite activities, like football and tennis as they have all been cancelled but at least I can enjoy painting, which I love. It’s the one way I can let my feelings out.
I prefer school to homeschooling because I am getting piles of homework which I need to finish away and I prefer the pace of school.
I miss school and I really hope they find a cure for this deadly virus very soon.
Timothy Aquilina - Year 6Y
Kif qed jaffettwana l-Covid 19
Il-Covid 19 huwa virus li qed jaffettwa ħafna nies madwar id-dinja. Biex nevitaw li jattakkana dan il-virus, irridu nibqgħu d-dar. Għaldaqstant ma nistgħux immorru l-iskola. Biex nibqgħu għaddejjin bit-tagħlim, is-surmast tal-kulleġġ tagħna u l-għalliema, iddeċidew li jibdew jagħmlulna l-lezzjonijiet minn fuq il-kompjuter. Kull filgħodu nirċievu link biex ningħaqdu mal-għalliema u l-istudenti tal-klassi tagħna u nagħmlu l-lezzjonijiet b’mod virtwali. Għalkemm l-għalliema tispjegalna l-lezzjonijet, issaqsina l-mistoqsijet u tfehmna d-diffikultajiet li jkollna, jien qed nimmissja ħafna lil sħabi u r-rutina tas-soltu. Il-ġenituri wkoll qed jagħtu sehemhom billi jgħinuna mid-dar. Iġri jgħaddi kollox u ħa nerġgħu lura lejn San Dwardu!
Leighton Pisani - Year 4X
Aħna ma nafux hekk hux se nibqgħu ġewwa d-dar għal ġranet, xhur u snin. Dan għax hemm virus madwar id-dinja kollha. Jien immisjajt l-għalliema tiegħi, l-iskola u l-bażi li għamilna għalina t-tfal. Iżda l-għalliema tiegħi kollha jħobbuna u qed jagħmlu l-iskola mid-dar. Imma xorta qed nimmisjahom. Ħwienet għalqu u ma nistgħux immorru nixtru ħabba l-covid 19 u ma nistgħux nagħmlu kuntatt man-nies. Irridu nżommu distanza ta’ żewġ metri. Ftit ħwienet bħal restoranti u spiżeriji qed iġibulna l-ikel jew immorru għalih aħna pero’ ma nieklux hemm. Aħna jkollna naraw l-aħbarijiet kuljum biex inkunu aktar aġġornati x’ qed jiġri madwar id-dinja u jekk hux imutu nies. Aħna l-Maltin qed nagħmlu minn kollox biex niġġieldu ma’ dan il-virus, nixtru s-sapun u noqogħdu ġewwa. Jien u l-familja tiegħi qed nobdu r-regoli biex dan il-virus imut darba għal dejjem.
Aiden Delia – Year 5X
Għalija dan huwa żmien diffiċli. Żmien li qatt ma għaddejt minnu. Nimmisja r-rutina ta’ kuljum, nimmisja l-ambjent sabiħ tal-iskola tagħna, il-ħbieb, l-għalliema u l-kap tal-iskola. Nimmisja wkoll il-ħin tal-brejk fejn inkun nista’ nilgħab ma’ sħabi. Ommi qed tipprova tgħinni nibni rutina ġdida b’ differenza biex inħossni aħjar. Nibdew bil-quddiesa, niekol il-kolazzjon u nibda x-xogħol tal-iskola. It-tagħlim mid-dar mhux dejjem ikun faċli imma bil-kuraġġ qed inqassmuh ftit ftit u nippruvaw inleħħqu mas-suġġetti kollha. Nitlob lill-bambin biex dan iż-żmien jgħaddi malajr, ifieq kulħadd, aħna t-tfal immorru lura l-iskola u kulħadd jgħix liberu. Minn dan iż-żmien ikrah il-pożittività toħroġ ukoll għax qed napprezzaw il-ħin li qed inqattgħu flimkien bħala familja. L-arja wkoll ħadet ir-ruħ. Qed ingawdu arja aktar nadifa. Nirringrazzja lill-kap tal-iskola, l-għalliema, tobba, infermiera, pulizija u l-awtoritajiet tax-xogħol kbir li qegħdin jagħmlu.
Craig Saliba - Year 6Y
Stuck at Home
I am stuck at home during the Coronavirus cases.
I can’t go to school, football and restaurants. I felt shocked when I heard this bad news.
Currently, instead of doing lessons in class, the lessons are being done online from home using the software Zoom. This way I can still learn and see my friends.
Since we are not attending football, the coach told us to train at home. In my free time I play with my playmobile, help my mum with cooking and call my Grandparents.
It is more safe staying at home than being sick, getting someone else sick or risking to die. I hope this virus will pass very soon.
Deyan Pace - Year 5X