Happy Teachers' Day 2025
And we think they do not notice! They do and how! The Students’ Council created book marks and cup cakes for all educators and the Year 9 boys edited a video. Thank you to all educators.
Settling in with a smile
Well, generally, yes. Of course, this is not an easy time for all. For Parents, particularly first-timers, this is a wrench, seeing their tiny tots wobbling off into a class, in the hands of a stranger. For Teachers, it is a huge ‘getting to know you’ time: not one child but many all at the…
Dwardu's - new year, new face, same commitment
In this first edition of Dwardu’s Scoops we bring you not just the glorious flavour of a new year but also a taste of the last of the summer wine! Our boys have been busy writing: from tapping into the memories of Old Edwardians to saving our marine life and acing numbers, they’ve been there,…
Welcome on Board!
As the summer holidays draw to a close, we welcome the new staff to the college. This was an orientation day for all the newbies and there were smiles all around, some shy, some tentative, some confident. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, countries, experiences, and ages, making the college richer than ever in…
A heartfelt Thank You
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE On behalf of St. Edward’s College’s staff, students, and parents, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the government, particularly to the Ministries of Finance and Education, for their recent announcement of financial support. This assistance is invaluable; many families would face significant challenges without it. At St.…
Two distinguished Edwardians pass on to eternal life
The St Edward’s Family has been recently bereaved of two distinguished former members of its fold. The distinguished Old Edwardian Dr Jaime H Cremona and the former headmaster Mr Gerald Briscoe. Mr Gerald Briscoe, former Headmaster, passed away after a short illness. Mr.Briscoe was everything that St Edward’s College represents. His contribution to College’s reputable…
Dwardu's final edition for this year
In this final edition of Dwardu’s Scoops, headmaster reflects on an eventful year. We read of the experiences of the boys who stayed at a College Live-in for the first time. There is also an interesting article on what goes on in an ecological observation and how the College is working with Heritage Malta. Books…
Like father, like son
Father’s Day, a wonderful day for bonding with a dear role model. Here’s what it looked like!
Blossoms for Mother Mary
The month of May is synonymous with flowers. And what better tribute to the Virgin Mary than to crown her with flowers. This is a tradition which the college has followed ever since it was opened almost 100 years ago and is still going strong today.