Not only are TEFL lessons at St Edward’s College essential to our students’ well-being as they enhance their crucial English skills, but they are also extremely interesting and give students the possibility to learn across cultures.
In a small, five-student group of TEFL 7, we are fortunate to have a mixture of four different cultures – Nicolas from France, Michael, Evan and Simon from China, Ivan from Ukraine and Ms Zaneta who is Polish! This diversity and cultural richness add a lot of variety to TEFL lessons, and make students curious about the way their peers live, the customs they have and the language they use.
Therefore, their inquisitive minds inspired their teacher to organise a cultural project CRAZY ABOUT CULTURE. In the first part of the project, students’ task was to research some interesting facts and information about their own country whereas the following lessons allowed the students to prepare PowerPoint presentations about their findings.
Clearly, the results were astonishing. Last Thursday, we could enjoy the first session about China. Our Chinese experts – Michael, Simon and Evan – took us on an enjoyable trip to the most fascinating places in their amazing country. We could learn about Chinese food, the government and the national anthem as well geography. However, the most amusing part was the language aspect. The other students were very enthusiastic and eager to try and learn some basics of this difficult language. Naturally, Chinese tongue twisters turned out to be the biggest fun of all! (see for yourselves below)
Who said that learning was boring, definitely didn’t see our TEFL 7 students in action, enjoying every second of their thrilling classes.