Silver in Students’ Democracy Awards

St Edward’s College was awarded the Silver medal for its work in promoting democratic principles. The Students’ Democracy Awards are an annual competition held by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. Schools, as the Minister for Inclusion and Social Well-being Julia Farrugia Portelli, are the seeding ground of democracy. They are the place where children grow to be adults with a voice, with ideas and with commitment.

The College was represented by Ines Montez who is the president of the Students’ Council and Jamie Scerri Richard Year 11 member of the Student Council. Ms Montez described to the schools’ representatives and to the honourable guests at the Awards Ceremony what the college did to promote democracy. She described in some detail how the elections were carried out and how the college put an onus on representation and fairness.

Mr Simon Schembri, CEO of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ praised the participating schools, 16 in all, for their commitment to democracy in spite of all the challenges which had to be overcome due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The awards were given on an assessment of how the elections were carried out, the plan of action which was proposed and how this was implemented as well as the final report.