Constant Support
Monday 16 March 2020
Good Afternoon All,
Three weeks ago we first started planning for the current situation. You will receive links shortly but below is something that some of you will appreciate. Ms. Amanda Grech, Student Support, has already had open talks with staff - the main message is that fear is a natural survival emotion but if we let it trap us it can be destructive.
Teachers at St Edward's College are in contact with you or your children. There will be 'teething' problems initially but we will all come through this as best we can if we remain levelheaded, patient and have more understanding for all as a community indeed as a society.
From Ms. Amanda Grech our Student Support;
Dear Parent,
It’s Monday afternoon and College has never looked so sad. Empty classrooms, silent playgrounds and students learning at a distance.
Behind the silence we hear your worries, stress and confusion. Teachers, parents and students are all in this experience together. We are all navigating an uncertain journey.
We all lost our ground. Our ground is our usual ways of doing things, our norms and expectations, routines and patterns.
We do not know what to expect from tomorrow. The reality is that we are bombarded with different perspectives and at times conflicting advice as to how best to prepare ourselves for the pandemic.
Too much seems to be out of our control.
In these circumstances, fear is understandable. Yet we cannot get lost in panic and fear. In fact, we can see people all over the world trying to regain a sense of control as we panic buy, emptying shelves to the extent that supermarkets are urging us not to deplete supplies. Hopefully, the comfort that we are in this together, will help us remain somewhat grounded also in this experience.
At St Edward's College we are already missing your children. As we were looking forward to a fun pyjama day tomorrow, we know that isolation, for the time being, is the only cure that we have.
Mr Nollaig Mac an Bhaird