Old Edwardians Giving Back
Wednesday 1 April 2020
David Sciberras the director of Invent 3D, had just finished designing a DIY, printable face shield to help his friends in the healthcare sector and anyone who needed protection in these trying times.
He has put aside his own work commissions and mobilized the whole 3D printing community to print face shields to help our health practitioners in Malta.
You can read more about the project here -
Rafel Sammut is a restaurant owner of Briju in Gzira. Since restaurants were forced to close and hearing about the struggle some families are going through to feed their children due to ending up unemployed, he came up with the concept of a Victory Kitchen. He teamed up with fellow chefs, received food donations and prepared meals for 18 families in need in 1 week.
You can read more here -
We applaud and are grateful for the efforts by people like David and Rafel who are using their time and talents for the greater good.