Underdtanding, Support & Direction
Friday 20 March 2020
Good Morning Parents,
I am receiving much information from all stakeholders, parents, teachers and students regarding how we are all doing. Lots of great ideas, some tinged with anxiety and frustration which is understandable.
Most are happy, others are not! Do not despair!
A couple of points;
• The pace that you all received information will settle.
• The amount of information will reduce.
• The apparent fog of contradictions will clear.
• I’d like to base our planning on information/data from all those involved. Parents, teachers and students.
On Monday the SMT will hold a virtual review strategy meeting. Today I am asking for feedback from parents, teachers and students.
We will have a holistic joined approach and you will receive ‘age appropriate/section appropriate’ guidelines.
Parents can you please contact your SEPTA class or year rep’ and give them feedback on how you are doing with home-schooling. I have been in contact with SEPTA who are expecting your contact.
As teachers we understand that having this extra task, keeping up with schooling, being carried out by parents can be onerous. You,and everyone around you, have already have had your routines disrupted, the change in this instance is daunting. You still need to work, probably are struggling with keeping up with work commitments, running a business in an economy that is being hit hard, household chores are still there and so on. Stress and pressures can seem overwhelming.
Once we have had the feedback from all involved we will, as professionals try to lighten your educational workload by giving clear guidelines and having clear understandings as we all sift through the tsunami on suggestions we have all received.
You will receive understanding, support and direction from St Edward's College.
As always remember that we are an Early years to Year 13 school – there will be no one approach. We want to hear your suggestions as we streamline our planning.
Mr Nollaig Mac an Bhaird