COVID-19 – Guidance & Procedures

COVID-19: Guidance & Procedures for Parents and Guardians

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School Aim

Our mantra is; SCUP – SAFETY, COOPERATION, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENCE. The Health and Safety of all community members is an absolute priority at SEC. What we were accustomed to doing ‘in the past’ is no longer valid in many instances. Our success will be judged in how each and every one of us looks at ourselves, our behaviour and habits and changes accordingly. Yes, it will be frustrating, annoying, and possibly some will feel angry. But it is only as a community, knowing that we have a collective responsibility, that we can be successful. The first two weeks back at college will be dedicated to the forming of good habits. It will be trying as you arrive at college, there will be queues, but patience will help shorten the time for this habit-forming transition. The THREE most mentioned habits to lessen the chance of spread of the virus are; Hygiene, Wearing masks, and Social distancing Please abide by the stickers at entrances and assembly areas around college. Pupils and students are currently wearing masks as required and washing hands regularly or using sanitiser. The habit that they are not developing sufficiently at this stage is social distancing when outside. We understand that it’s a challenge, with little to do and prevented from playing the games and activities they are used to. Please encourage your son/daughter to socially distance when out and about, get them to appreciate what 2m looks like and understand why it’s so important to stay apart. Daily checklist for parents/guardians It is expected that parents carry out this assessment of symptoms and signs on their child every day. If your child displays any of these symptoms/signs below he may possibly have an infectious illness and should not be sent to school since this illness may be transmissible. Please check your child daily for these symptoms
  • A temperature of 37.2℃ or more.
  • Sore Throat
  • New uncontrolled cough (for students with a chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)
  • Diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
History of exposure Covid Signs & Symptoms
  • The most common signs of COVID-19 are a fever, cough, and trouble breathing.
Some people might have:
  • Symptoms of a cold such as a sore throat, congestion, or a runny nose
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • A loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Tiredness
General Principles
  • Distancing between pupils should be 1.4m, head to head, in all directions while sitting in their chairs and 2m between staff and pupils, and other adults;
  • Face masks and/or visors are not intended as a substitute for physical distancing;
  • For ease of identification each year group will be allocated a specific mask colour.
Hygiene & Safety Pupils should be encouraged to:
  • Observe distancing;
  • Observe coughing and sneezing etiquette
  • Regularly and meticulously wash their hands;
  • Avoid touching their faces;
  • Pupils should not use masks belonging to other children;
  • Personal sanitising products for students are to be supplied by parents/guardians and are to be brought to school daily;
  • Disposable facemasks should not be reused except in an emergency such as misplacing their cloth mask;
  • Children under 3 should not use cloth facemasks;
  • Children over 3 years should wear a mask and/or visor in common areas and on school transport. This is not necessary within a classroom or in the presence of members of the same bubble;
  • For students born in 2009, or earlier, students should wear masks and/or visors in classrooms as well as in common areas and on school transport;
  • Visors should not be worn by themselves
  • Masks should not be worn when students are practising strenuous or vigorous exercise. Masks and/or visors are recommended if a sport, which does not involve vigorous exercise, is practiced in the vicinity of other people. Only equipment, which can be disinfected, between sessions, will be used;
  • Students who might be taught by a vulnerable staff member will be asked to wear their mask. We will know more once class lists are finalised. We are still receiving changes from ‘undecided’ parents but feel confident that we will be able to advise parents in good time;
  • Cloth facemasks should be washed daily in a washing machine using normal laundry detergent at 60 degrees C. Cloth facemasks can be washed numerous times;
  • We recommend that pupils/students come to school with two spare masks so that they can be changed if needed
  • All food items in School are to be carried and presented in disposable containers wherever possible, and if not, then containers are to be cleaned and wiped down before use by the student;
  • Common functional rooms will be cleaned and disinfected, including furniture and equipment such as keyboards and computers, between each new group using the room;
  • Unnecessary touching, hugging or shaking hands between members of the staff and students should be avoided;
  • Students should wash hands with soap and running water regularly and carefully for at least 20 seconds (2 rounds of singing “Happy Birthday to You” quietly to themselves) and if not immediately available hand sanitizer is to be used;
  • Washing of hands and use of sanitisers will be rigorously monitored and performed at regular intervals;
  • Students will be reminded to avoid touching their face, especially the mouth, eyes and nose;
  • Sneezing/coughing should be in disposable tissues, which are then disposed of immediately in a closed and lined bin. If a tissue is not available students should sneeze/cough into flexed elbow, keeping the greatest possible distance when coughing or sneezing; it is best to turn away.
  • Fans may be used in classrooms provided that doors and windows are fully open so that the fresh air supply is increased as much as possible. They must not be used in enclosed, unventilated rooms.
  • Where a student is unwell, particularly showing symptoms as previously listed above or on the Checklist for Parents & Guardians, he will be escorted to the designated safe area, wearing a mask and/or visor and observing safe distancing on the way. His parents/guardian will be informed that he needs to be collected. A consultant’s certificate will be required before the student is allowed back in school. Latest guidelines are that a certificate from a GP will not be acceptable;
  • Parents/guardians of students with underlying health conditions should discuss attendance at School with their doctor and also with the Head of Section, in order to assess the level of risk for the child to attend School. The decision to attend rests with the parents/guardians of the student;
  • Parents of students have to take their own temperature and that of their children in the morning before attending School. If there are signs of illness students should not be taken to the School. (See the Daily Checklist);
  • All students will be allocated a social “bubble” which will determine their working and break-time environment. Students should not intrude into another bubble for any reason;
  • At the beginning of the day all staff and students will have their temperature taken on arrival. Should a student’s temperature be more than 37.2 degrees C, or have other Covid symptoms, he will need to return home;
  • Students should observe all instructional notices, directional signs and other features such as barrier tape etc;
  • Hand hygiene stations will be set up at the entrances to School, so that staff and students can clean their hands before they enter;
  • Unauthorized personnel should not enter the School. Only students and authorised personnel are allowed. No parents or guardians are to be allowed in the School at any time, with the exception of classes up to and including KG2 at drop off and pick up. Parents and guardians are advised to phone the School if they need to speak to a member of staff;
  • Departure times at the end of the school day will be staggered so as to keep bubbles apart and parents will need to wait outside the school gate;
  • Birthday cakes and other treats may not be brought into school;
  • All communications between the school, staff, parents and students will be digital.
Special Needs Pupils & Vulnerable Staff
  • Students with a disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), may be exempt from wearing a mask on a case-by-case basis;
  • Students who have been certified by their caring medical specialist as having a serious underlying medical condition which would make them more susceptible to severe illness if infected by COVID-19 may need to be considered for alternative teaching arrangements on a case-by-case basis in line with the individual’s circumstances.
Other Operational Considerations
  • There will be no large gatherings, assemblies or outings from the confines of the School, special events such as festivals, holiday events, special performances, Open Days and visits by guests that do not form part of the service provision;
  • Hand sanitiser will be kept out of the reach of young children;
  • Non-essential belongings of the students should not be brought to school;
  • Students are to bring their own, labelled water bottles and sufficient water for the day. Staff will not be able to refill water bottles belonging to students;
  • Use of water fountains is forbidden;
  • Use of lockers will not be permitted. Students should bring in a plastic container, 30X50x50, to keep beside their desk with all materials;
  • Wherever possible, the use of outdoors is encouraged.

How Does COVID Spread?

Coronaviruses are spread from one person to another through:
  1. Coughing and sneezing (via droplets)
  2. Hands which have become contaminated with the virus after touching contaminated surfaces or
  3. Through direct contact with a person infected with the coronavirus (such as caring for a sick person).
Wearing and removing your facemask
  • Before putting on a facemask wash your hands with soap and running water or alcohol-based hand gel with a minimum 70% alcohol;
  • Cover your nose mouth and chin with the mask;
  • Avoid touching the mask while wearing it;
  • Replace the mask with a new one after prolonged use or as soon as it becomes damp;
  • To remove the mask: bend your head forward, remove the mask using the straps, without touching the front of the mask and put into a plastic bag until it can be washed;
  • Wash your hands with soap and running water or alcohol based hand gel with a minimum 70% alcohol.
Ms Leanda Keith SEC Covid Liaison Officer Contact Mobile: 99353569 Version 3 Updated 6 October 2020