Headmasters Message 15

Good afternoon all,

Well today the sun is shining, it promises to be a lovely weekend, vaccines are being delivered, the number of COVID cases is going in the right direction and our examinations/tests are over for many today or close to finishing.

As I have pointed out previously, we are all, almost on a daily basis, creating the ‘Rule Book’ for instances that we took for granted over the years. Globally the procedures for the tests has been successful. This is thanks to the work carried out by teachers, administrators and the attitude of students and parents. There has been a lot of pressure, anxiety for all involved but all in all, considering the circumstances we are all coping well.

With the mid-term break on the horizon please continue to be cautious, we now all know the drill, what we need to do to remain safe. As a community we will get through this together.

This past week we had our Early year boys and girls planting potatoes under the watchful eyes of Joey and their teachers. You’ll have to wait a couple of months before the first crop of St Edward’s potatoes reach your tables but rest assured, they are on the way.

N Mac An Bhaird