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Autism Awareness Month - Meet our LSEs and teachers
Autism Awareness Month Meet our LSEs and teachersTuesday 21 April 2020𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙢 𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 🎗𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝒐𝘶𝘳 𝘓𝘚𝘌𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 🙋🏼♀️💙🙋🏽♀️💙🙋🏻♀️💙It is so difficult to write what Autism means to me in just a few words. I am very grateful for all those persons on the spectrum that I have had the opportunity to meet and get…
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POEŻIJA GĦAL ŻMIEN COVID-19Monday 20 April 2020POEŻIJA GĦAL ŻMIEN COVID-19 Antoine VellaL-imxija tal-COVID-19 tassew li laqtitna lkoll fil-laħam il-ħaj għaliex ħarbtitilna kollox. Sakkritna (mhux lil kulħadd milli jidher!) fi djarna, ċaħħditna mir-rutini tagħna u mill-kuntatt mal-oħrajn. Ma jistax jonqos li din is-sitwazzjoni bla preċedent, biex nuża espressjoni li nisimgħuha ta’ kuljum fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir, laqtet ukoll…
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A Thought from Edward
A Thought from EdwardWhat would he say about the current situation?Wednesday 15 April 2020If the college could have a voice, what would it say about the situation we’re currently in? Below is a short message from the voice of the college, what we think he would say…. As well as some images of the school void…
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Autism Awareness Month - April 2020
Autism Awareness Month April 2020Saturday 4 April 2020A blog post by Ms Antonella Micallef – Inclusion Coordinator at St Edward’s College My university thesis focused on the lived experiences of friendships of young adults with autism. Amongst one of the commonly held beliefs about autism is that persons on the spectrum enjoy spending time…
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4 Tips to keep hackers our of your Zoom call
4 Tips to keep hackers out of your Zoom callThursday 2 April 2020With the increased usage of the programme Zoom for work, online classes and social gatherings, “Zoombombing” has become an issue of concern.Whenever something becomes popular, there’s always a portion of the population that gets a cheap thrill from disrupting it. Keeping Zoom meetings safe is something…
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Old Edwardians Giving Back
Old Edwardians Giving BackWednesday 1 April 2020David Sciberras the director of Invent 3D, had just finished designing a DIY, printable face shield to help his friends in the healthcare sector and anyone who needed protection in these trying times.He has put aside his own work commissions and mobilized the whole 3D printing community to print…
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Understanding Their Emotions
Unerstanding Their EmotionsFrkiday 27 March 2020Dear Parents,It’s now been 2 weeks since the closing of College and hopefully we are all starting to settle down into some form of routine. I am sure that the early years students have now grasped that this situation is here to stay for some time and will need some…
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Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore’s video diary amid the coronavirus outbreak | UNICEF
Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore’s video diary amid the coronavirus outbreak | UNICEFFriday 27 March 2020Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore’s video diary amid the coronavirus outbreak | UNICEFFrom checking in on loved ones to setting up a ‘worry window’, here are 5 tips from our Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore on how to stay connected…