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Learning activities
Learning ActivitiesFriday 6 March 2020Within our nursery and KG classes learning activities take many different forms. We target a number of skills which are not necessarily always linked to letters and numbers. These activities are just as beneficial and important to us and our pupils. Turn taking, personal space, respect, sitting tolerance, sensory awareness, attention…
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Year 1X – Exploring fractions
Year 1X – Exploring fractionsFriday 28 February 2020Year 1X have been enjoying using our numeracy resources to explore the concept of simple fractions. Armed with flashcards and fraction supplies the Year 1X boys have played a number of games to better understand, in an age appropriate manner, this concept. We believe that such activities played…
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Creative Construction
Creative ConstructionFriday 28 February 2020Construction play is vastly found within KG classrooms as it provides the children with opportunities to develop their problem-solving skills, imagination abilities, physical development and thinking skills. There are no limitations to what a child can come up with when given adequate resources to create. Our students in KG2Y Bears absolutely…
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Carnival Week
Carnival WeekFriday 28 February 2020Last week, the Early Years students were immersed in a world of characters, stories and imagination as they celebrated Carnival week. Of course, we ended the week with the traditional costume Carnival party which is always eagerly awaited. However, the build up to the party was just as exciting as the…
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Reading with young children
Reading with Young ChildrenFriday 28 February 2020Once again, a parent has been spotted at College making use of our beautiful grounds during the early morning commute to spend some time reading with his/her child. Reading with your child is extremely beneficial. Not only does it exercise the mind, but it also improves concentration, imagination and…
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The Spell Activity
The Spell ActivityFriday 14 February 2020Last week, the Year 1 pupils cast their own spell during their Read, Write, Inc. literacy learning. The boys tackled sentence building skills as the target was to create longer sentences. The book being covered ‘The Spell’ lead to a scavenger hunt for ingredients to throw into their cauldron. Armed with…
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Fine Motor Skills
Fine Motor SkillsFriday 14 February 2020Our students have an array of simple to complex resources which they are encouraged to use on a daily basis on rotation with what we call as ‘table top’ play. The students are free to go from one table to the next or else participate in a rotation exercise whereby…
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Puppetry, Role Play and a Love for Books
Puppetry, Role Play and a Love for BooksFriday 14 February 2020KG1Z Tulips held a puppet show in class to portray the story of the little red hen after they covered it together in class. The children were amused and attentive as they used puppets for their literacy activity. Through such activities the group could discuss…