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A morning at Limestone Heritage
KG1 classes took over the Limestone Heritage grounds on Monday for a beautiful morning together. The classes explored the grounds and held story telling sessions on the premises. Of course, the highlight was seeing and feeding all the animals there. This morning together provided a wonderful experience as the pupils continue to build memories together…
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Learning English through ... pizza!
As the boys explored their weekly reader called ‘Pip’s Pizza’, the boys made their own pizza’s for the taking. Within the College kitchen, the boys took over the chef’s quarters and worked in pairs to create their own delicious treat. They discussed instructions, hygiene, and cooking time. They revisited the story and discussed the storyline…
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Who let the bunnies out?
The Easter Egg hunt is a tradition of St Edward’s College. Early Years Students had fun hunting in the grounds. Who said you could not be a bunny for a day?
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Have you ever seen a goat?
Well, for most of these children, no, they never had. In an outing to Manikata, they had a unique experience that comes only with direct contact with animals. The interaction, written on the faces of the children in each of these pictures cannot really be described in words.
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My Name is Potato!
We all know: children and veggies are normally a recipe for groans and moans. Not where spuds are concerned though! After a lesson linked to vegetables and potatoes, the children had a blast baking their own potato wedges!
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Zooming safely - road safety for the Early Years
What a fun way to end a week than zooming around college. The children learned all about road safety both in class and on the grounds as the children had the opportunity to bring their wheels to college. The extensive grounds gave a wonderful opportunity for the children to have a real blast.
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Up to their teeth in it!
Kg2Ywere heavily involved into role play. They became dentists for their role play session. The children are enjoying exploring different professions.
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Same differences
Year 1Y have been talking about themselves and their similarities and differences, both physically and in the things that they like and dislike. The boys were asked to bring something that they like to school. To talk about it and share it with the class.
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Let's go camping...and other stuff!
Remember when we all were kiddos and we would make a tent out of anything: the blankets on the bed on Sunday morning, under the table, in the garden…? Well, the tiny tots in the youngest age groups at St Edward’s College are way too young to be permitted to come to a live-in at…