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To all those special men: fathers, we love you
As the students celebrated Father’s Day, the younger ones welcomed that special man in their lives to the college. Watching the children and the happiness and pride on their faces, we saw the mirrors, lest fresh-faced but certainly as joyous, in their father’s faces, and we rememberd E.E. Cummings: Lifting the valleys of the sea…
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All creatures great and small
Our KG2 students visited Girgenti farm for a morning of extended play. They continued their gardening ventures there as well as met a number of friendly animals.
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Celebrating mothers
That children go to school is not only accepted but also a legal requirement. But mother? Really? Yes really, at St Edward’s College! Celebrating Mothers’ Day, all mothers in the Early years were invited to stay with their children for some time during the day. The experience was such a happy one not only for…
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Sporting Spirit
Here are the photos of all the little ones during Sports Day. Beautiful day, excited children and happy adults – what better combination?
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In search of...Easter Eggs
It’s that time of year again: fluffy bunnies, chocolate easter eggs, delicious figolli and for the more spiritually minded, just kwarezimal for now. Not for the little ones of course who went on an Easter Egg hunt!
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Grand Grannies!
In spite of the dicey weather in the morning, the early afternoon proved to be a perfect backdrop for our annual Grandparents’ Day. The young and the young at heart joined forces as they spread out rugs on the lawn and enjoyed a different lunchtime treat. The actual food was, of course, not missing but…
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Book Day on the Lawn
Basking in the sun with friends and enjoying a good book…what’s not to love? Click here for the picture (we have a little treat for you!)
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A trip to another world
Esplora remains a favourite destination with children and our students especially. Brought up in an atmosphere where learning by doing through the principles of Think, Understand, Learn is the order of the day, they feel at home working out and interacting with scientific projects.
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Small footsteps on giant numbers
Using a giant number line to further your number understanding skills is fun. Jumping along it to develop your problem solving skills is great fun.