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In search of...Easter Eggs
It’s that time of year again: fluffy bunnies, chocolate easter eggs, delicious figolli and for the more spiritually minded, just kwarezimal for now. Not for the little ones of course who went on an Easter Egg hunt!
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Grand Grannies!
In spite of the dicey weather in the morning, the early afternoon proved to be a perfect backdrop for our annual Grandparents’ Day. The young and the young at heart joined forces as they spread out rugs on the lawn and enjoyed a different lunchtime treat. The actual food was, of course, not missing but…
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Book Day on the Lawn
Basking in the sun with friends and enjoying a good book…what’s not to love? Click here for the picture (we have a little treat for you!)
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A trip to another world
Esplora remains a favourite destination with children and our students especially. Brought up in an atmosphere where learning by doing through the principles of Think, Understand, Learn is the order of the day, they feel at home working out and interacting with scientific projects.
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Small footsteps on giant numbers
Using a giant number line to further your number understanding skills is fun. Jumping along it to develop your problem solving skills is great fun.
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All about the Gingerbread Man
KG2x has been exploring the famous story of the Gingerbread Man. The boys created their own Web plan which started with exploring what ‘ginger’ is exactly. Most students weren’t very taken with its smell but enjoyed exploring its texture just the same. They later participated in a number of games linking their numeracy development with…
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Rocket men
As part of our classroom topic ‘Space and Beyond!’ we conducted an experiment using rockets. The boys prepared their bottle rockets at home using a few objects, and we launched the rockets outside on the lawn. The boys needed baking soda and vinegar for the reaction to occur. They observed that baking soda and vinegar…
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Bears visit the KG classes
Number jumping games, sensory trays and Goldilocks puppet shows – great fun happening in KG1Z
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In the Garden with Joey
This week some of our early years’ classes had their gardening sessions with Joey our college gardener. These yearly sessions are always eagerly looked forward to and this year the students are planting beans and potatoes in their designated garden patches. Next week the rest of the classes will have their sessions. Each time Joey…