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Outdoor Pumpkin Carving
Outdoor Pumpkin Carving in Year 6Tuesday 27 October 2020Outdoor Pumpkin CarvingThis week the Year 6 boys have been enjoying the warm autumn weather by having the opportunity to carve pumpkins in the eco garden.The boys were given instructions on safety before they started and then let their creativity take over.At the end of the week…
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Spreading Love Around the World
Spreading Love Around the WorldFriday 22 October 2020During our time spent online the boys were encouraged to enter a competition to design a mask to brighten up the world at this difficult time.Andreas Bray, now 4Z, was given the exciting news this week from the Cerco School that he had achieved 1st place with his…
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How do Rivers Shape the Land?
Year 5Y Geography:How do Rivers Shape the LandWednesday 21 October 2020During their Geography lessons, students in Year 5y have currently been discovering how the downhill flow of streams and rivers eats into the land, transporting rocks, boulders, tree trunks… and how this movement slows from the upper course to the lower course, so that what…
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Observing the Discovery of Antibiotics in Year 4
Observing the Discovery of Antibiotics in Year 4Wednesday 14 October 2020Observing the discovery of antibiotics in Year 4The world would be a very different place without the wonderful discovery of penicillin.It is estimated that 80-200 million lives have been already saved.Science is all about observations, asking questions and carrying out awesome experiments.This week Year 4Z…
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Year 5X - Cross Curricular Lesson
Year 5X – Cross Curricular LessonsWednesday 7 October 2020In Year 5X, one of the first tasks the boys were given, amalgamated an Art lesson together with an English creative writing lesson. The boys were initially asked to draw what comes to their mind when they hear the word ‘Coronavirus’. The following day, after they had…
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Kensuke's Kingdom Art Projects in Year 6
Kensuke’s Kingdom Art ProjectTuesday 16 June 2020As part of the Kensuke’s Kingdom transition unit which is done throughout Year 6 The boys were asked to create a piece of art work, inspired by the sea/natural world.Daniel went further, creating a 3D model with video/music. Well done Daniel 👏🏻👏🏻🧡 Sea Inspired Project by Lucas Attard + his summary…
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Last week's art topic - Abstract Expressionism
Last week’s art topic – Abstract ExperssionismThursday 11 June 2020This week’s art lesson was all about Abstract Expressionism.Abstract Expressionist artists used gesture and colour to evoke certain moods or feelings. Students were asked to express emotion in an entirely abstract drawing, considering how they might use shape, lines, and colour to express feelings such as…
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Creative Writing in Year 3Y
Creative Writing in Year 3YFriday 5 June 2020Year 3 students were asked to write points of what they like and dislike about having their lessons online. Here are a few of the opinions we received. Home-schooling by Gregory MicallefAim: Creative writingWhat I likeWhat I don’t like about it.What I preferI like that I can wake up…
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Year 3X Science: Observing Changing States of Material
Year 3X Science: Observing Changing States in MaterialFriday 5 June 2020Year 3 have been observing changing states of material in science,including freezing, condensing,evaporation, melting and boiling.They were asked to produce posters to show how the mass and volume of materials can change when they change state.Kyle BuhagiarAdam CamilleriJack TonnaBen Caruana Rizzo