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The fire triangle
During Tuesday’s science class, the year 7X students, led by Ms Cheryl-Ann Cuschieri, were studying the fire triangle. They carried out a simple investigation making use of a candle, coloured water and a beaker. They realised that oxygen is needed for burning to take place and once oxygen is depleted, the candle extinguishes. This then…
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No 'I' in 'Team'
This year, in the ‘Activities Friday’ slot, the Middle School students are meeting with Ms. Annette Agius. Having extensive experience working with youths, Ms. Agius’ activities focus on Life Skills for teens. Last week, the youths attempted to write the word ‘Team’ using a pen held only by strings and without any verbal communication between…
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Dyslexia - The invisible barrier
Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling. It can also affect organisational skills. It’s a specific learning difficulty, which means it causes problems with certain abilities used for learning, such as reading and writing. Unlike a learning disability, intelligence isn’t affected. Dyslexia exists in all cultures and…
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Nordic Runes at College
What distinguishes a culture from civilisation is its ability to communicate and transmit information accurately to posterity. The Vikings were not merely a culture but a sophisticated civilisation with working literature based on runes. During their History lesson, the Year 8 boys learnt about the awesome Viking warriors and their civilisation. One of the aspects…
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Yearly Orientation Packs are out
Every year, St Edward’s College Malta provides the parents with a yearly pack of essential information, including book lists and uniform requirements. These have just been revamped and the booklets contain details and links to important information available on the website. All years will receive their orientation packs through the MySchool platform with any other…
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Flying the Maltese Flag
Two Edwardians will be flying the colours of our national flag in the sailing event 2021 Optimist European Championship. This will be held on the 20-27th June 2021 in Cadiz, Spain. Ryder Croft (Yr 9X) and Thomas Zahra (Yr 9Y) will be joining other young sailors from the Birzebbugia Sailing Club. The Optimist, also known as…
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Young Edwardian wins sailing competition
The Sportsdesk has reported that Timmy Vassallo a Year 7 St Edward’s College student, has secured overall victory at the Ragusa Kinder Cup Regatta. Jonas Micallef too is an Edwardian and successfully finished the regatta. Competing in the Optimist division, the Malta Young Sailors Club sailor was in control of the competition right from the…
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Messaging space
Year 8 students have recently attended an online talk hosted by Esplora regarding Project Maleth. This is a scientific programme which shall be sent to the International Space Station in August 2021. Students have been given the opportunity to send a digital message to space. This was both a unique and an exciting opportunity to…
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Something inside so strong
To spark a discussion in one of English lessons with 9X students who have been following the fate of Bruno and Shmuel, the main characters of a poignant and moving novel ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, Ms Zaneta prepared a listening activity based on a beautiful song about resistance and resilience ‘Something inside so…