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Waging war on microplastics
On Friday 7th May, the Eko-Skola Committee some Yr 8 students, staff members and IB ESS students were treated to an online workshop via MS Teams thanks to PROJECT IMPACT. The online workshop was carried out by Mr Juan J Bonello, a senior lecturer within the Institute of Applied Sciences at MCAST. Together with Nature…
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A pop of colour
The phrase ‘a pop of colour’ has become a familiar one. So many TV shows with designers of houses, clothes, food and what not all encourage viewers to create that pop of colour. Well, our students at St Edward’s College acted on that. Following their success at re-designing sneakers, the Year 8 students continued on…
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The Numbers game
This week our Year 7 boys at St Edward’s College are learning the interesting topic of Statistics. They have been involved in collecting data amongst themselves. The topics discussed were their favourite colour, the colour of their eyes, pets, favourite film genre just to mention a few. Bar Charts were drawn to represent this data…
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Brain Gym - a new form of exercise?
This may not be the one to burn calories, though you never know with students. Ms Anabel Laus decided to rev up her Year 8s with a rousing session of Brain Gym, designed to boost concentration.
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The Art of Rhetoric
TEFL lessons at St Edward’s College are never boring, especially with five energetic volcanoes from TEFL 7 who add so much variety to what is happening in the classroom it cannot be described in a few words. It is not only due to their never-ending energy resources, but also because of their cultural richness and…
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The rule of thirds
Photography was on the minds of the Year 7s with Mr Jeremy de Maria. The boys were out and about doing practical exercises and applying theory to practice. In their course, the boys learn about exposure, apertures and shutter speed – when to use what to obtain the best photo. Then there are also the…
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Year 7s taking over their TEFL lessons
A small but very lively bunch of five enthusiastic TEFL students has taken over recent TEFL lessons. How did this happen? Well… Last week, our foreign students were exploring the nuances and intricacies of English grammar learning about the use of modal verbs. After analysing numerous examples and doing some practical activities, it was high…
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Hollywood beckons
As a follow-up activity in one of their English lessons with Ms Zaneta, Year 9X students faced a challenging task in which they had to turn into professional scriptwriters. After reading and analysing one of the chapters of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, the students’ goal was to create a script and act out…
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REPPUBLIKA Competition
Some Middle School Students submitted work for the REPPUBLIKA Competition. The title of the competition was – What does Democracy mean to me? and they had to focus on 1 Human Right. Adam Caruana of Year 7X submitted an Essay with a focus on the Human Right of Education. RIGHT TO EDUCATION As Nelson…