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As you are aware, the SEC Eko-Skola are working on the project ‘Compost It’ You can follow their updates on their FB page – Last week, the students had a virtual meeting with Friends of the Earth Malta, in which they discussed possible virtual workshops about Composting for students in the Junior-Middle School classes. New…
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Year 5Y
Revision period is not normally the most exciting of times for most students; it is even more challenging now that students are scattered between homes and class. In Year 5y the boys had an exciting time revising Geography and Science through the use of a web tool called Kahoot. kahoot revision.pdf
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Inter House Cross Country
Inter-House Cross-Country Results 2021 Year 11 (3.6k) 1st place Sean Gatt (Congreve) 10.46 min 2nd place Ali Hagagi (Ducane) 11.07 min 3rd place Matthew Sciberras Bray 12.38 min House classification 1st place Ducane 12 pts 2nd place Congreve 13 pts 3rd place Campbell 17 pts Year 10 (3.6k) 1st place Kurt Grech (Congreve) 10.35 min…
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Year 3 Enjoying their Maths Lesson on a beautiful Day
The boys in 3X had worked hard to accomplish all the objectives in their first Maths book. They then were given the task of choosing any area of mathematics including, length, addition, sharing/division, to create a story sum. The boys were taken out into the grounds and went on a ‘scavenger’ hunt to bring…
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Inter House Cross Country
This year, we will have a special edition of our yearly inter-house Cross-Country. Races will take place in a staggered manner, having all competitors taking part in their respective bubbles. This will allow us to have smaller races, but it will still enable us to keep the house spirit alive. At the end of all…
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Science Demonstration Year 4
One of our students demonstrated a combustion experiment for all the class. With the use of matches and foil, we were able to create our own rocket. The pressure created between two igniting matches pushes the gasses out of the foil and propels the rocket into the air.
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Rain, Rain and More Rain in Year 6
In Year 6 we have been looking at weather in Science, learning about convectional, relief and frontal rainfall. In Malta recently we have been reading about the weather quite frequently in the news, with the storm in the first week of January bringing an average of 13.9mm of rainfall overnight. The start of next week…
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Writing Activity 6X
Instructional Writing Activity For this activity we tried to combine an English writing task with a hands-on creative activity which all the boys enjoyed. It was an opportunity for them to get creative! We planted (made) Mandrakes from Harry Potter. These plants are known to shriek when pulled out from the soil therefore,…
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Science in Year 4X
Science in Year 4XTuesday 24 November 2020Science in Year 4XThis year the boys in Year 4x are eager to learn how to become scientists. The first experiment they have conducted this year was with the use of pepper, water, and sanitizer. This experiment helped them to understand how crucial hand washing is.This week, boys are…