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Year 3Y
We are using breakout rooms wherein the boys are virtually split into small groups so they can discuss and enjoy working together. Then we all meet in the main room to give feedback about the work carried out.
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Young Chefs Financial Literacy Challenge.
Take care of yourself, take care of your money! Earlier this month boys in year 4,5 and 6 were invited to take part in the Financial Literacy Challenge 2021 – Young Chef Challenge as part of the European Money Week and Global Money Week. The aim of the challenge was to promote awareness pertaining to…
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Year 4 Competition Winner
Congratulations to our Year4Z student, who has won the January competition in the educational magazine, Saghtar. Andreas Bray, has been subscribing to Saghtar magazine on a monthly basis. Apart from reading the interesting articles within, he loves taking part in the embedded competitions. Andreas loves Saghtar, especially when it comes to the short stories and…
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Year 4Y
Welcome back to the 4Y classroom, we have been very busy having lots of fun😊. “Learning should always be fun. You should be having a ball. It’s amazing how much you remember when it is fun” Dan Grable Since the last 4Y gazette article we have put our brains into Ancient Greek Architect mode and…
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Year 6 The Ickabog by JK Rowling
In English Year 6 have been immersed in all things JK Rowling. We have started a new English unit based around The Ickabog by JK Rowling, which follows on from our Advent Term work on Harry Potter. The unit focuses on emotions, recognising and finding appropriate ways to deal with our emotions and those of…
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Year 3Y ICT in Science
In Science we have been exploring the differences between oviparous and viviparous animals. To solidify this, during ICT the boys designed their own poster using 3D paint. The boys on Teams took part in this activity as well and sent a scanned copy of their poster. Integrating ICT in Science boosts student centred learning and…