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Revision through tic-tac-toe
The boys have started their exams, and it is the first time the Year 4’s are sitting for these. There have been some anxious vibes in the corridor and classrooms. However, in year 4x, we tried our best to make revision fun. By taking the lesson outside and separating the class into two teams, the…
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Making memories with Toucans
Finally, after almost 2 years we went on a school outing to Piscopo Gardens. It was a truly memorable outing where we got to see not only indoor and outdoor plants and herbs but also toucans, meerkats and budgies. The boys were also given the opportunity to feed the fish and at the end of…
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Yearly Orientation Packs are out
Every year, St Edward’s College Malta provides the parents with a yearly pack of essential information, including book lists and uniform requirements. These have just been revamped and the booklets contain details and links to important information available on the website. All years will receive their orientation packs through the MySchool platform with any other…
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Card Games at Year 7
For the last lesson of the final term, the year 7 students had to create a playing card-portrait design with the use of symmetry, after measuring and making observations about playing cards in a traditional deck. They did not have to depict their character as ‘royalty’ but they were required to develop detailed patterns in…
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Maltese Artists discussed at St Edward's
The Year 3s, 4s and 5s were learning about Maltese Artists during the Music and Drama lessons. They saw the achievements of various Maltese artists from Actors to Musicians, Conductors and Film Directors, Scriptwriters and Dancers, Singers, Songwriters and Musical Theatre Performers. The Year 5X among other classes did a presentation featuring other Maltese Artists.…
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My family and other animals
With apologies to Gerald Durrell, the videos compiled by Year 3,4 and 5 boys on “Il-Familja tiegħi” (My Family) are ever so heartwarming. Not only do the boys describe in some detail, the (for them) notable traits of their family but they also include animals as family members. When watching the videos, it seems that…
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Maps in transition
As the year slowly nears its end, the Year 6 boys are currently immersed in ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpugo. Built around the story of Michael, the twelve-year-old boy who embarks on the journey of a lifetime, the book serves as a launchpad for all kinds of discussions on the changes and emotions that are…
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Pirates, craters and props
This last term, the boys in year 4x had a fantastic time engaging in hands-on activities to recreate what they have learnt. During English Creative Writing, the boys had the opportunity to live the life of a pirate for a day and create their how-to videos. They then explored the Solar System during Science by…
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Preparing for Holy Communion
Two years after the last conferment of the sacrament of First Holy Communion at St Edward’s College, the celebration is back. Albeit in a somewhat muted form due to Covid-19 precautions and restrictions, this year’s celebrations are in ‘extra-large’ format. Not only are the Year 2s preparing for their big day but, also this year, …