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Friction at St Edward's ?
Well, no, it’s not what you might think! Year 5 students went round the college grounds to explore the different surfaces the school has to provide and test for different levels of friction acting on a rolling ball. On their experimentation trip, they also went around to study the different tread marks on tyres of…
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Mathematical star on Youtube
We have all, in our more conservative moments, uttered the fateful words “We did it better in my day”. Perhaps sometimes we are justified. Only sometimes though, because when you see the work carried out at St Edward’s College, you start to realise that innovation yields skills which are so very useful in today’s world.…
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Avast, me hearties!
Pirates were very much on the mind of the younger age groups in the school. From Kinder through to Junior school the theme brings out the adventurous spirit of these youngsters. With flavours of Captain Hook, Blackbeard and the occasional Maggie McGinza, the creative writing skills were coupled with a flair for the dramatic. Accompanied…
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When is solution really a solution?
Well, you can always ask the Year 5s! Students in Year 5y have been experimenting with Mixtures, Solutions and Suspensions. They have learnt that water is a pure substance, but when you stir in other substances you create a mixture. When the substance, like sugar, dissolves in water, this is called a solution. On the other hand, a…
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Ants on their minds
Year 3X are currently working on non-fiction texts. They worked on an information text about ants whilst using a Think, Understand and Learn technique – I Used to think and Now I think. This method focuses on their thought process when learning something new. It is the preferred approach to learning at St Edward’s College.…
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Earth Day 2021
World Earth Day 2021Junior school students went all out to participate in activities related to Earth Day 2021. Braving the wind and the chill they hugged the trees which have given generations of boys shade and protection, as well as filtering the air in which they spend the better part of the day. Drawings, sculptures…
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Lead by Example
Our Year 4Z boys were out and about this week as they initiated a clean-up of the bastions surrounding the school. They had wanted to give back to nature, whilst tidying their second home from plastics blown onto the grounds after the very windy weather. The boys generously gave up their time during breaks to…
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Year 6Y Factor Pairs
In year 6 we are revising factor pairs whilst exploring the artwork of Piet Mondrian, a Dutch artist born in 1872 and died in 1944. He coined the term neoplasticism for this style. Mondrian had a long artistic career which essentially began with his works in Luminism, after which he experimented in Cubism, before finally moving to neoplasticism and entering…
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Year 6
The Resurrection – Easter Story The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that when we die, God will raise us up to new life. We believe we will live forever with Jesus in the Kingdom of heaven. We believe the Risen Jesus is always close to us. His Spirit is alive within us and…